2022 Kickoff

January 24, 2022

We’ve just ‘returned’ back to school and its time to kick-off our FYDP once again. Our first set of tasks are: ordering all of the parts, starting model training, and building a website to house these blogs.

The first thing that we did is order everything to Alexiou (the hardware master) so that he can began building things. He’s since received the parts and scheduled a time to 3D print the outer shell.

Next, we started recording ourselves doing various signs to train the model. By now, the model can understand ‘hello’, ‘no’ and ‘thank you’ with varying degrees of accuracy (we’ll work on that). We plan to continue training over the next few months as its accuracy is crucial to the success of the product (considering this is a translator it should probably be able to translate).

The last thing we’ve done so far is build this website. We took the bones from one of our personal websites and built this on top of it. The hardest part was exactly what anyone would expect it to be: colours. We’ve changed the colours on this website at least 27 times so we hope that you like them. We will continue to build on this website as the term progresses so that future students desperately looking for capstone ideas can look at a pretty website.

Moving forward, we’ll be working on getting the model to work on the Raspberry Pi. We need to ensure that the Pi is capable of playing nicely with all of the frameworks that we’re using and that it has enough power to record video at a high enough frame rate.

P.S. bonus points for anyone that has figured out why we’ve chosen to call this ‘Traduttore’

Go to blogs.