Blog #6

February 28, 2022

Upon receiving the wires ordered and reprinting the parts, the assembly went more easily. The main concern for the assembly was wire management. Although the space within the housing was increased slightly, it was still tight which made it essential to properly manage the wires within. Wire paths were set, and hot glue was used to ensure that the wires follow the desired paths. These pre-defined paths also ensured that bending would not occur.

After finishing assembling the Traduttore, it was decided that an additional hole for an ethernet wire needed to be added to the back of the device. This would facilitate network connection to the Raspberry Pi, however it is not necessarily required for the device to function since it is capable of connecting wirelessly to a network. A hole was therefore drilled at the back of the same size as the two other holes already present on the back of the device.

The mechanical assembly is now complete. The next steps are the testing and fine tuning of the software elements.

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